Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Whirlwind Tour

Arrived in Chicago this past Tuesday to meet up with Kelly Gates-Derousseau, a great friend from my undergrad at WMU. We'd arranged to drive up to Kalamazoo to surprise Bec and Chad, with lots of extra help from their respective spouses. Kelly hasn't been back to the states in more than a year (she's off in the south pacific, drinking kava and playing expatriate games) and I'm always keen for travel. My suggestion to show up with JFK and Nixon masks was vetoed though, we brought beer instead.

The shock on Bec and Chad's faces was worth the secrecy. They were truly surprised and just sat there, jaws-dropping, with an obvious uncomprehending look. I think it probably took some time before they really accepted that we were actually there in the living room. 

While in Michigan I also took time to visit the fam. Lucas posed for a special shot:

(No worries, it's innocent. He's teething and the cold can feels good on his gums)

While Sage and Lane conspired (these two will be hooligans together, give them time):

And Willow, another poor victim of the vicious beef stroganoff (I hated the stuff when I was little, it always made me gag):

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