Thursday, April 9, 2009

Annapolis! The Whirlwind Finds its Mark

Sails, boats, marinas, and taverns - all of it spread throughout Annapolis' multiple peninsulas which jut out into the Chesapeake. These are the things that draw me to Annapolis and while I can't explain why I like them so much, I know I do. 

The Winona, all 25' of her sleekness.

I'd hoped for some time out on the Winona, a 25' Tanzer of my friend Chris Charbonneau (Charby to those who trust him enough to be dragged out onto the ocean with him). Winds at 25 knots with gusts to 30 are a good deal too much to be enjoyable on the craft and we spent the time instead drinking beer below decks and telling lies. The space below is actually enough to sleep 2 and there is at least one person who's spent a winter sleeping on her to save on rent. - My own plan...

Charby, Yuengling in hand, after I asked him to let me take her for a spin. He apparently remembers my amazing sailing skills.

A really nice 5o', do I look like I own it?

The brief couple of days I spent in Annapolis were filled with lots of looking at boats, Yuengling, and Dark & Stormy. While I didn't get to put time in out on the water, I really enjoyed myself. 

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