Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Mt. Bachelor and Sun River Fun

Headed to the mountains for some winter fun this past weekend. A group of us organized a trip to Sun River, a resort town near Bend in eastern Oregon with easy access to plenty of Sno-Parks (parking turnouts along the main roads that provide access to the abundant national forest lands in the area). Sun River is only a 30 minute drive to Mount Bachelor for the hardy downhillers in our group, though icy conditions this weekend made for a rough time on the slopes. 

Conditions for cross-country skiing proved to be icy as well,  I broke a pole on a downhill section at Swampy Lake Sno-Park area. The trail had morphed into two toboggan-like troughs that were completely iced. Directional and velocity control were impossible and I snapped my ski pole in half trying to slow my accelerating descent. After a few nasty crashes and narrowly missed collisions with the native Ponderosa pine, I called it a day and decided to stick with snow-shoes...

Even without the ski option we managed a fun time between copious amounts of food and beverage as well as the obligatory hot tub at our Sun River rental. 

Below are pics from a hike at Tumalo Creek, a municipal source of water for Bend, Oregon. 

Tumalo Falls, from the trail.

Tumalo Falls, looking down from the top. ~ 100 ft.

Tumalo Creek

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