Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Back to the Vallis on the Empire Builder

After my 72 hour ordeal traveling to Michigan on the Zephyr, I kept my expectations low for my ride on the Empire Builder. The Empire Builder runs northwesterly out of Chicago, traversing the plains of the Dakotas before encountering the spectacular scenery of the Rockies in Montana. I'd made sure to look at the itinerary so I'd have a good view during the daylight this time, unlike on the Zephyr, but delays and problems put us 10 hours behind schedule and we arrived in Glacier National Park in the middle of the night... Weather, maintenance, crew changes and even a broken axle conspired to put us way behind schedule and by the time we arrived in Spokane, WA, multiple buses were waiting to take us the rest of the way so the train we were in could be used for the next day's trip back east to Chicago. 

Crossing the Columbia into Oregon though and my spirits soared, the end was in sight and I would soon be home! Something about the Columbia just reminds you of Oregon's splendor. After 60+ hours on the train/bus, I was ready for a shower.

I loved taking these two trains because it was interesting and really allowed me extra time to relax and reflect on the last few months. The delays and problems though are not enticing me to book another cross-country train trip just yet. Maybe when the weather is nicer and then only if I can splurge for a sleeper car - they've got showers!

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