Completed what will hopefully be my last round of sampling on the Willamette. It required 5 days of driving all over the watershed and sampling from bridges. I did get to ride in a snow-cat though, definitely a highlight. I'll upload pics tomorrow, lost the camera cord again.
Confluence of two streams in the northwest corner of the Willamette River watershed
Beaverton Creek in Portland, an urban stream. It's been partially re-routed and completely re-channeled for urban development. All the white tubes are an attempt at revegetating the streambanks (this is at low-medium flow, during high flow it'll go half-way up the bank)

And here's the might Snow Cat! I took a ride in it to sample the upper most streams at the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest. There was a couple meters of snow at the higher elevations and you could only reach the streams with a snowmobile or Snow Cat. I went with the heated ride, complete with GPS nav and a radio/CD player. And I made a video:
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