Monday, March 23, 2009

Lake Creek, Deadwood Creek to Tide

I've been remiss at posting my latest kayak adventures. I've managed to squeeze in a trip every weekend for the past month! The first paddle this year was on Lake Creek, which drains Triangle Lake down to the Siuslaw River.  A class III/IV run at higher levels - we got lucky and caught it with 6' on the gauge, a minimal II/III run. Still, it's a challenging run with lots of ledges and boulders. I swam twice and managed to finally hit the combat roll when I needed it. There is one set of famous rapids called, "The Horn". 

Here's a pic of the class III rapid, "The Horn". It's hard to see all the whitewater that precedes this coup de grace. The turbulent flow forces you into a chute and propels you, mostly uncontrolled, through the end of the rapid.

Classic coastal Oregon shot: kayakers, rough water, steep slopes and clouds above.

Kim in the foreground and me in the background with the yellow pfd. Note the snow.

And more snow. Water temp is ~50 and the air is freezing. Swimming on this run was not the most fun.

Ahhh, sunshine. It peeped out for a while and melted some of the snow.

Captain America color scheme and I'm not even the most colorful on the river!

The hardest part about getting pics on these runs is that we only use the camera in flat water (for obvious reasons). Lennie took all of these pics and managed to get this one in semi-white conditions. Really though, we didn't get pics of all the gnarly rapids we ran.


  1. Sweet! I like to fish below the horn so its cool to see these photos! Ill be out on sat!

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